Increase Profitability by Reducing Electricity Costs:
- Customer is a leading provider of facility solutions with several billion dollars in revenue and over 100,000 employees in offices throughout the United States and various international locations.
- They wanted to use energy storage in behind-the-meter applications to save their customers money on their electricity costs.
- They needed the storage projects to have a <7 year breakeven at least a 12% IRR.
- The primary drivers for generating savings were Time-of-Use shifting and Peak Demand reduction.
- According to GSM research, demand charges contribute anywhere from 20% to 50% of a C&I customer’s electricity bill.
- Most large U.S. based C&I customers are on TOU tariffs, and therefore benefit from managing when they use electricity from the Grid.
- Need to be able to have a good rate capability e.g., C/2 to hit the peak load reduction requirements and be able to also time shift usage.
- Battery must be able to perform >7300 100% DoD cycles as it effectively gets more than one full cycle per day and must last for 20 years of full cycling.
- Encell can enable these financial parameters to be met in markets where the spread in demand charges between Peak and Off-Peak periods are >$10 per kW.

- 2.9 MWh
- 750 MW
- Santa Ana, CA
- Behind-the-Meter
- California SGIP Qualified
- 1.6 MWh
- 600 MW
- Long Beach, CA
- Behind-the-Meter
- California SGIP Qualified
Residential energy storage is a great way to save money on electricity costs while doing your part to lower carbon emissions.
- Typical battery sizes range from 5 to 50 kWh in 12v, 24v and 48v configurations.
- The batteries can be paired with PV solar, generators and grid power or some combination thereof.
- Encell’s NiFe batteries work well with most standard, off-the-shelf inverter/battery charger hardware.
- Our customer’s have successfully used brands such as Outback, Schneider, SMA, Studer…
- 2.4kWh System
- 24 V Nominal
- Comprising 20 TC3 100Ah cells
- Installed in Colorado in 2014
- Suitable for:
‒Back up, Supplemental power
‒Homes in low GDP countries

- 3.84kW System
- 48.0V Nominal
- Compromising 40TC3 80Ah cells
- Installed in California in 2014
- Coupled with Solar & Diesel Gen Set.

- 13 kWh system
- 48V Nominal
- Compromising 36 MG1 300Ah cells
- Installed in Florida 2014
- Coupled with PV Solar

- 26kWh System
- 220V Nominal Voltage
- Comprising 220 TC3 100Ah cells
- Each 10 cells packaged in one Atlas battery
- Installed in Alabama in 2014